Default Settings

These options allow you to set default / starting values for the [ConfigName] options in Rainmeter.ini.

This will provide a way to have starting values for these settings, without having to create and distribute a Layout, or use Skin !Bangs to force a starting position or other behaviors.

These option values will be used for the skin if the [ConfigName] section does not exist in Rainmeter.ini. Once used, they will be set as the persistent values for the [ConfigName] in Rainmeter.ini.

If the [ConfigName] already exists in Rainmeter.ini, these values are entirely ignored.

The idea is that these are default / starting values to be used the first time the skin is loaded. After that, the end-user has full control over the position and all settings for the skin, as usual. In order to have these values be used again, the end-user would need to entirely remove the [ConfigName] section from their Rainmeter.ini, refresh Rainmeter, and reload the skin.


These option are set at the individual skin .ini level, but actually control values Rainmeter will use at the [ConfigName] level in Rainmeter.ini. These options cannot be used to control a single variant in a config folder containing several .ini files. All variants share a single [ConfigName] section in Rainmeter.ini, and all settings for that [ConfigName].

These cannot not be used to persistently force a particular setting for a skin. If you want a skin to for instance be centered on the screen, and STAY centered on the screen, this should be done with Skin !Bangs, so the position is set each time the skin is loaded or refreshed.

If you have multiple skins in a "suite" of related skins, and want them to all be loaded at once, with starting positions and other settings that you define, it is recommended that you continue to use a Layout in your .rmskin. These options will be unwieldy and clutter up your skin code if used to position several related skins.


DefaultWindowX, DefaultWindowY

The X and Y position of the skin. A trailing % sign indicates that the value is a percentage of the screen width. A trailing R will make the position relative to the right edge of the screen instead of the left. A trailing B will make the position relative to the bottom edge of the screen instead of the top.

The % and R / B modifiers can be used together.

By default the position is relative to the primary screen. You can override this with @N where N is 0 to 32 and denotes which screen to position the skin on (1-32) or the virtual desktop (0). The screen selection will apply to both WindowX and WindowY if the value is set on only one of them.

DefaultAnchorX, DefaultAnchorY

By default WindowX and WindowY control the position of the upper left corner of the config window. AnchorX and AnchorY allow that anchor position to be changed. The Anchor can be defined in pixels from the upper left corner of the window or as a percentage of the config if % is used. If a letter R or B is added to AnchorX or AnchorY, then the position is relative to the right or bottom edge of the window.

As an example, by setting WindowX, WindowY, AnchorX and AnchorY all to 50% the config will be truly centered in the primary monitor regardless of screen resolution or aspect ratio.

DefaultSavePosition Default: 1

If set to 1, changes to the window position will be saved to Rainmeter.ini.

DefaultAlwaysOnTop Default: 0

Defines the Z-position (front to back) of the skin. Valid values are:

  • 2: Stay Topmost. The skin will stay visible when showing the desktop {Win-D} and will actively stay on top of all other windows including other skins. Two Rainmeter skins both set to Stay Topmost should not overlap, as this creates a conflict, and they will "flicker". LoadOrder has no effect with this setting.
  • 1: Topmost. The skin will stay visible when showing the desktop {Win-D} and stay on top of other normal application windows. Two Rainmeter skins both set to Topmost will change relative to each other on click. Overlapping skins with the same setting can use LoadOrder to control the initial relative position.
  • 0: Normal. The skin will stay visible when showing the desktop {Win-D} and will be brought to the foreground of all other normal windows, including other skins, on click. Overlapping skins with the same setting can use LoadOrder to control the initial relative position.
  • -1: Bottom. The skin will not stay visible when showing the desktop {Win-D} and stay behind other normal application windows. Two Rainmeter skins both set to Bottom will not change relative to each other on click. Overlapping skins with the same setting should use LoadOrder to control relative position.
  • -2: On Desktop. The skin will stay visible when showing the desktop {Win-D} and stay behind other normal application windows. Two Rainmeter skins both set to On Desktop will not change relative to each other on click. Overlapping skins with the same setting should use LoadOrder to control relative position.

Note: If another application window explicitly sets itself to "top" after a skin set to Topmost is loaded, the application window will be in front until the skin is clicked or refreshed. Using Stay Topmost can overcome this, but again, you must not have two skins set to Stay Topmost that overlap.

DefaultDraggable Default: 1

If set to 1, the skin can be dragged around with the mouse.

DefaultSnapEdges Default: 1

If set to 1, the skin will snap onto screen edges and other skins when moved. To disable snapping temporarily, hold the CTRL key down while moving the skin.

DefaultStartHidden Default: 0

If set to 1, the skin will start hidden. The !Show bang must be used to show the skin.

DefaultAlphaValue Default: 255

Sets the transparency of the skin. Valid values range from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (fully visible).

Note: A setting of 0 (fully transparent) will not allow detection of the mouse on the skin, and the OnHover option will have no effect. To have a skin be invisible but react to the mouse, a minimum setting of 1 should be used here. When changed using the Transparency setting in the Manage interface, a range of percentages is offered, but corresponding numeric values are stored.

DefaultOnHover Default: 0

Controls the transparency of the skin when the mouse is moved on and off of it. This works in conjunction with the setting in AlphaValue. This can be also be set with the On hover setting in the Manage interface. To temporarily disable this behavior, hold CTRL down when moving the cursor.

  • 0 (Do Nothing - default) : No action is taken.
  • 1 (Hide) : Skin will fade between the value in AlphaValue and hidden. If no AlphaValue is defined, it will simply fade between fully visible and hidden.
  • 2 (Fade in) : Skin will fade between the value in AlphaValue and fully visible.
  • 3 (Fade out) : Skin will fade between the value in AlphaValue and hidden.
DefaultFadeDuration Default: 250

Defines the length of the fade duration in milliseconds when OnHover is used, activating/deactivating the skin, or when the fade bangs are used.

DefaultClickThrough Default: 0

If set to 1, all mouse over detection is disabled, and mouse clicks will pass through the skin. To temporary disable this, hold the CTRL key when interacting with the mouse.

DefaultKeepOnScreen Default: 1

If set to 1, the skin will be kept within the bounds of the screen.

DefaultAutoSelectScreen Default: 0

If set to 1, the WindowX/WindowY "@N" settings are dynamically set based on the position of the meter's window. This setting will reset to 0 when a monitor is selected in the Manage window or on the skins context menu.