Rainmeter Documentation
Reference and tutorial material for the current release version of Rainmeter.
Tips & Tricks
Suggested methods and solutions for using Rainmeter in the field.
Useful code fragments for running Lua scripts in Rainmeter.
Information for working with the Rainmeter project source code, creating custom plugins, and interacting with Rainmeter from external applications.
Version History
Complete record of changes in each version of Rainmeter.
Help is available on the forum. Members of the development team and the Rainmeter community offer support and advice on a volunteer basis.
For shorter questions, join the discussion in our IRC chat room. Click here to chat in your browser, or use your own IRC client to connect to #rainmeter at irc.libera.chat/6697.
For press inquiries or technical problems with the site or forums, email the development team at team@rainmeter.net. Please do not send Rainmeter or skin support requests to this address; use the forum or chat room instead. Support requests sent to this address will not be answered.