
Bangs are action commands that control various aspects of skins and Rainmeter. They are executed when used with action options in the skin.

Note: Many bangs have a Config parameter. Unless otherwise specified, valid values are the config name of a currently loaded skin to be acted upon or * (asterisk) to act on all currently loaded skins. When optional and not supplied, the parameter defaults to the current config. If executing a bang with a "config" parameter from the Windows command line, the parameter is always required.

Command Line Arguments

Bangs can also be used from the Windows command line as a parameter to the Rainmeter.exe executable. Examples:

  • "C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe" !RefreshApp
  • "C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe" !SetVariable "textSize" "12" "illustro\Clock"

Note: Any variable of any kind, including Built-In Variables, are not executed when calling Rainmeter from the command line. Likewise, the Config parameter is always required in places where it is treated as optional.

Operating System bangs

!SetClip Parameter: String
Copies the specified string to the Windows clipboard. If the string contains spaces, use quotes around the parameter.
  • String (required): The string to be copied to the clipboard.

Example: !SetClip "This is copied to the clipboard!"
!SetWallpaper Parameters: File, Position
Sets the Windows desktop background to the specified image file.
  • File (required): The file to be set as the desktop background. The following formats are supported: .bmp, .jpg, .png, .gif, and .tiff. If the filename contains spaces, you must enclose the filename in quotes.
  • Position (optional): Sets the position of the wallpaper. Valid values are: Center, Tile, Stretch. Windows 7 (and above) also have the values: Fit and Fill. Windows 10 also has the value: Span.

Example: !SetWallpaper "Some Image.png" Center

Application bangs

!About Parameter: TabName
Opens the About window.
  • TabName (optional): Name of the tab to open. Valid values are: Log (default), Skins, Plugins, and Version. The value Measures is deprecated and will open the Skins tab.

Example: !About Skins
!Manage Parameters: TabName, Config, File
Opens the Manage window.
  • TabName (optional): Name of the tab to open. Valid values are: Skins (default), Layouts, GameMode, and Settings.
  • Config (optional): Config name. If specified the list on the left will jump to and select the named config. If Config is specified, then TabName is required.
  • File (optional): A skin .ini file in a named config. If specified the list on the left will jump to and select the named skin .ini file. If File is specified, then TabName and Config are required.

Example: !Manage Skins "illustro\Clock" "Clock.ini"
Opens the Rainmeter context menu at the current mouse location.
!Log Parameters: String, ErrorType
Writes a message to the log.
  • String (required): The string to be written to the log. If the string contains spaces, enclose the string in quotes.
  • ErrorType (optional): Specifies the type of error. Valid values are: Notice (default), Error, Warning, and Debug.

Example: !Log "There was an error!" Error
Resets the network statistics.
!LoadLayout Parameters: LayoutName
Loads the named layout. A layout can also be loaded from the Windows command line:

Example: "C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.exe" !LoadLayout "My Saved Layout"
Does a full refresh of all skins and reloads the list of configs and Rainmeter.ini settings. This is the same as "Refresh All" from the system tray context menu. The main difference from !Refresh * is that the skins folder is rescanned.
Quits Rainmeter.

Note: This becomes the only bang that can be executed from the command line when Game Mode and Unload all skins is turned on.
Play Parameter: SoundFile
Plays the given sound file once.
  • SoundFile (required): Path and file to be played. Must be a .wav file.

Note: While listed in this section for simplicity, the Play commands are not bangs, and do not require or allow the ! character at the beginning. Rainmeter uses a single-threaded call to embedded Windows functionality to play the sound, and only one sound at a time can be managed, Rainmeter-wide. Playing a sound in any skin will stop any other currently playing sounds.

Example: Play "SomeFile.wav"
PlayLoop Parameter: SoundFile
Plays the given sound file in a loop.
  • SoundFile (required): File to be played. Must be a .wav file.

Example: PlayLoop "SomeFile.wav"
Stops any currently playing sound started by Rainmeter.

Option and Variable bangs

!SetOption Parameters: Meter/Measure, Option, Value, Config
Sets an option (ie. FontSize, Text, Formula, etc.) of a meter or measure.
  • Meter/Measure (required): Name of the meter or measure section.
  • Option (required): Name of the option to be changed.
  • Value (required): New value to be set.
  • Config (optional)

Details at !SetOption Guide.

Example: !SetOption SomeStringMeter Text "New Text"
!SetVariable Parameters: Variable, Value, Config
Sets a new value for a variable. The meter or measure where the variable is used must enable DynamicVariables. !SetVariable can create a new variable in memory, even if it is not pre-defined in the [Variables] section.
  • Variable (required): Name of the variable.
  • Value (required): New value to be set.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !SetVariable SomeVariable "New value!"
!WriteKeyValue Parameters: Section, Key, Value, FilePath
Permanently writes a Key=Value pair below a section in a INI formatted file (such as .ini or .inc files). A skin must be refreshed for a new value written to the skin's .ini or .inc files to be re-read and used.
  • Section (required): If the section does not exist in the file, a new section will be written at the end of the file.
  • Key (required): If the key does not exist under the section, a new key will be written at the end of the section.
  • Value (required): Value to be written. Any previous value will be overwritten.
  • FilePath (optional*): If not specified, the current skin file is used. The file must exist and must be located under either #SKINSPATH# or #SETTINGSPATH#.

Example: !WriteKeyValue Variables MyFontName Arial ""

* Note: This option is required when executing the bang from the command line.

Option and Variable group bangs:

!SetOptionGroup Parameters: Group, Option, Value, Config
Sets an option (ie. FontSize, Text, Formula, etc.) of meters and measures in the specified group.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
  • Option (required): Name of the option to be changed.
  • Value (required): New value to be set.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !SetOptionGroup StringGroup Text "New text!"
!SetVariableGroup Parameters: Variable, Value, Group
Changes the value of a variable in the configs of the specified group.
  • Variable (required): Name of the variable.
  • Value (required): New value to be set.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.

Example: !SetVariableGroup MyFontName "Arial" ConfigGroup

Skin bangs

!Show, !Hide, !Toggle Parameter: Config
Shows or hides an active skin.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !Toggle "illustro\Clock"
!ShowFade, !HideFade, !ToggleFade Parameter: Config
Shows or hides an active skin with a fade effect.
  • Config (optional)
!FadeDuration Parameter: milliseconds, Config
Sets the FadeDuration value in milliseconds.
  • milliseconds (required): Number of milliseconds for fade transition.
  • Config (optional)
!ShowBlur, !HideBlur, !ToggleBlur Parameter: Config
Shows or hides the blur behind a skin.
  • Config (optional)
!AddBlur, !RemoveBlur Parameter: Region, Config
Adds or removes a blur region to/from existing blur areas.
  • Region (required): Region to add or remove a blur effect.
  • Config (optional)
!Move Parameters: X, Y, Config
Sets the position of a skin.
  • X (required): New X position.
  • Y (required): New Y position.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !Move "100" "100"
!SetWindowPosition Parameters: WindowX, WindowY, AnchorX, AnchorY, Config

Allows you to dynamically change the settings for WindowX and WindowY, as well as optionally AnchorX and AnchorY for the skin window.

  • WindowX (required): New WindowX position.
  • WindowY (required): New WindowY position.
  • AnchorX (optional): New AnchorX position.
  • AnchorY (optional): New AnchorY position.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !SetWindowPosition "100" "100" "10" "50"

If AnchorX is specified, then AnchorY is required.

These notes are for both WindowX/Y and AnchorX/Y

A trailing % sign indicates that the value is a percentage of the screen width, rather than pixels.


A trailing R with WindowX will make the position relative to the right edge of the screen instead of the left.

A trailing B with WindowY will make the position relative to the bottom edge of the screen instead of the top.



The % and R / B modifiers can be used together.


Both WindowX and WindowY will accept formulas.
The formula must be enclosed in (parenthese), with any trailing % / R / B at the end, and outside the (parentheses).

WindowX=(100 / 2)%

By default the position is relative to the primary screen. You can override this with @N where N is 0 to 32 and denotes which screen to position the skin on (1-32) or the virtual desktop (0). The screen selection will apply to both WindowX and WindowY if the value is set on only one of them.


!SetAnchor Parameters: AnchorX, AnchorY, Config

Allows you to dynamically change the settings for AnchorX and AnchorY for the skin window.

  • AnchorX (required): New AnchorX position.
  • AnchorY (required): New AnchorY position.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !SetAnchor "100" "100"

A trailing % sign indicates that the value is a percentage of the config window width, rather than pixels.


A trailing R with AnchorX will make the position relative to the right edge of the config window instead of the left.

A trailing B with AnchorY will make the position relative to the bottom edge of the config window instead of the top.



The % and R / B modifiers can be used together.


As an example, by setting WindowX, WindowY, AnchorX and AnchorY all to 50% the config will be truly centered in the primary monitor regardless of screen resolution or aspect ratio.

!ActivateConfig Parameters: Config, File
Activates a skin.
  • Config (required): The config to be activated.
  • File (optional): If not specified, the next .ini file variant in the config folder is activated.

Example: !ActivateConfig "illustro\Clock" "Clock.ini"
!DeactivateConfig Parameter: Config
Deactivates a skin.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !DeactivateConfig "illustro\Clock"
!ToggleConfig Parameters: Config, File
Activates or deactivates a skin.
  • Config (required): The config to be activated or deactivated.
  • File (required): The .ini file to be activated or deactivated.

Example: !ToggleConfig "illustro\Clock" "Clock.ini"
!Update Parameter: Config
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter], immediately updates all measures and meters, and redraws the skin. This does not override any UpdateDivider options on measures or meters.
  • Config (optional)
!Redraw Parameter: Config
Immediately redraws all visible elements of the entire skin, independent of the normal skin update cycle.
  • Config (optional)
Note: This simply redraws the skin. Meters will use the values obtained when they were last updated. Since by itself !Redraw accomplishes nothing useful, this bang will always be used in conjunction with bangs that update specific things before redrawing the skin. Depending on the case, this might be with !UpdateMeasure bangs to immediately update measure values, and certainly !UpdateMeter bangs to update meter values and options. The idea is to update specific meters and redraw the skin before the next normal update cycle. This can allow immediate visible changes, while not having to force an update of the entire skin.

Example: LeftMouseUpAction=[!UpdateMeasure SomeMeasure][!UpdateMeter SomeMeter][!Redraw]
!Refresh Parameter: Config
Reads the skin file and recreates the skin.
  • Config (optional)
!Delay Parameter: milliseconds

Delays execution for a defined number of milliseconds when embedded in an action option. The lowest possible value is 16 milliseconds.

Note that this is a very limited form of what is offered by the ActionTimer plugin. There is no way to interrupt or cancel this short of a !Refresh of the skin, and nothing in the action itself can be dynamically changed during the execution of the action. It is simply a brute-force way to delay part of an action that has multiple components.

Example: [!ShowMeter SomeMeter][!Delay 5000][!HideMeter SomeMeter]

!SkinMenu Parameter: Config
Opens the skin context menu at the current mouse position.
  • Config (optional)
!SkinCustomMenu Parameter: Config
Opens any defined custom skin context menu at the current mouse position.
  • Config (optional)
!SetTransparency Parameters: Alpha, Config
Sets the transparency of a skin.
  • Alpha (required): From 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque).
  • Config (optional)

Example: !SetTransparency "128" "illustro\Clock"
!ZPos Parameters: Position, Config
Sets the Z-position of a skin.
  • Position (required): -2 for On desktop, -1 for Bottom, 0 for Normal, 1 for On top, or 2 for Always on top.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !ZPos "2" "illustro\Clock"
!Draggable Parameters: Setting, Config
Sets the Draggable option of a skin.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Config (optional)
!KeepOnScreen Parameters: Setting, Config
Sets the KeepOnScreen option of a skin.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Config (optional)
!ClickThrough Parameters: Setting, Config
Sets the ClickThrough option of a skin.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Config (optional)
!SnapEdges Parameters: Setting, Config
Sets the SnapEdges option of a skin.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Config (optional)
!AutoSelectScreen Parameters: Setting, Config
Sets the AutoSelectScreen option of a skin.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Config (optional)
!EditSkin Parameters: Config, File
Edits a skin .ini file using the text editor defined in ConfigEditor in Rainmeter settings, or the text editor associated with .ini files in Windows. The default will be Windows Notepad.exe. If no parameters are defined the current skin .ini file will be edited.
  • Config (optional): The config containing the skin.
    If this is used alone, it will edit the currently running skin .ini file in the defined config.
  • File (optional): A specific .ini skin file in the defined config to edit.

Example: !EditSkin "illustro\Clock" "Clock.ini"

Skin group bangs:

!ShowGroup, !HideGroup, !ToggleGroup Parameter: Group
Shows or hides a group of active skins.
  • Group (required): Group to show or hide.

Example: !ShowGroup "SomeGroup"
!ShowFadeGroup, !HideFadeGroup, !ToggleFadeGroup Parameter: Group
Shows or hides a group of active skins with a fade effect.
  • Group (required): Group to show or hide with a fade effect.
!FadeDurationGroup Parameter: milliseconds, Group
Sets the FadeDuration value in milliseconds for a group of skins.
  • milliseconds (required): Number of milliseconds for fade transition.
  • Group (required): Group to set the value for.
!DeactivateConfigGroup Parameter: Group
Deactivates a group of skins.
  • Group (required): Group to deactivate.
!UpdateGroup Parameter: Group
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter] and immediately updates the skins in the specified group, all measures and meters. This does not override any UpdateDivider options on measures or meters.
  • Group (required): Group to Update.
!RedrawGroup Parameter: Group
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter] and immediately redraws all visible elements of the specified group of skins. Meters will use the last value obtained for any measures or variables referenced.
  • Group (required): Group to redraw.
!RefreshGroup Parameter: Group
Reads the skin file and recreates a group of skins.
  • Group (required): Group to refresh.
!SetTransparencyGroup Parameters: Alpha, Group
Sets the transparency of the configs in the specified group.
  • Alpha (required): From 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque).
  • Group (required): Name of the the group.

Example: !SetTransparencyGroup "128" "SuiteName"
!DraggableGroup Parameters: Setting, Group
Sets the Draggable option for each config in the specified group.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
!ZPosGroup Parameters: Position, Group
Sets the Z-position of the configs in the specified group.
  • Position (required): -2 for On desktop, -1 for Bottom, 0 for Normal, 1 for On top, or 2 for Always on top.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
!KeepOnScreenGroup Parameters: Setting, Group
Sets the KeepOnScreen setting for the specified group.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
!ClickThroughGroup Parameters: Setting, Group
Sets the ClickThrough setting for the specified group.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
!SnapEdgesGroup Parameters: Setting, Group
Sets the SnapEdges setting for the specified group.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
!AutoSelectScreenGroup Parameters: Setting, Group
Sets the AutoSelectScreen setting for the specified group.
  • Setting (required): 0 to disable, 1 to enable or -1 to toggle.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.

Meter bangs

!ShowMeter, !HideMeter, !ToggleMeter Parameters: Meter, Config
Shows or hides the given meter.
  • Meter (required): Name of the meter to show or hide.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !ToggleMeter "MyMeter"
!UpdateMeter Parameters: Meter, Config
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter] or any UpdateDivider on the meter, and immediately updates the meter, obtaining new current values for any measures or variables referenced. Note that the meter is not redrawn with any new values until the next update, or if a !Redraw bang is used.
  • Meter (required): Name of the meter to update. Use * to update all meters.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !UpdateMeter "MyMeter"
!MoveMeter Parameters: X, Y, Meter, Config
Moves the given meter (not the window) to the specified position. The new position is relative to the top left corner of the skin. The size of the skin window is re-evaluated after the meter is moved. This would make the skin window become larger or smaller to incorporate all meters.
  • X (required): New X position.
  • Y (required): New Y position.
  • Meter (required): Name of the meter to move.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !MoveMeter 15 10 "MyMeter"

Meter group bangs:

!ShowMeterGroup, !HideMeterGroup, !ToggleMeterGroup Parameters: Group, Config
Shows or hides a group of meters.
  • Group (required): Group to show or hide.
  • Config (optional).
!UpdateMeterGroup Parameters: Group, Config
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter] or any UpdateDivider on the meters in the specified group, and immediately updates the meters, obtaining new current values for any measures or variables referenced. Note that the meters are not redrawn with any new values until the next update, or if a !RedrawGroup bang is used.
  • Group (required): Name of the meter group to update.
  • Config (optional)

Measure bangs

!EnableMeasure, !DisableMeasure, !ToggleMeasure Parameters: Measure, Config
Enables or disables the given measure.
  • Measure (required): Name of the measure.
  • Config (optional)
This behavior can also be controlled with the Disabled general measure option. Numeric values in measures will be set to zero when the measure is disabled.

Example: !ToggleMeasure "CPUMeasure"
!PauseMeasure, !UnpauseMeasure, !TogglePauseMeasure Parameters: Measure, Config
Pauses or unpauses updating the given measure.
  • Measure (required): Name of the measure.
  • Config (optional)
This is similar to !DisableMeasure / !EnableMeasure, however the numeric value of the measure will contain the most recent value, rather than being set to zero.

Example: !TogglePauseMeasure "CPUMeasure"
!UpdateMeasure Parameters: Measure, Config
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter] or any UpdateDivider on the measure, and immediately updates the measure.
  • Measure (required): Name of the measure. Use * to update all measures.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !UpdateMeasure "CPUMeasure"
!CommandMeasure Parameters: Measure, Arguments, Config
Sends a command to the given measure.
  • Measure (required): Name of the measure.
  • Arguments (required): Arguments to send to the measure.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !CommandMeasure "NowPlayingParent" "Previous"

Measure group bangs:

!EnableMeasureGroup, !DisableMeasureGroup, !ToggleMeasureGroup Parameters: Group, Config
Enables or disables the given measures in the specified group.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
  • Config (optional)
!PauseMeasureGroup, !UnpauseMeasureGroup, !TogglePauseMeasureGroup Parameters: Group, Config
Pauses or unpauses updating the given measure in the specified group.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
  • Config (optional)
!UpdateMeasureGroup Parameters: Group, Config
Overrides the setting of the Update option in [Rainmeter] or any UpdateDivider on the measures in the specified group, and immediately updates the measures.
  • Group (required): Name of the group.
  • Config (optional)

Mouse Action state bangs

These bangs set the state of mouse detection / action on one or more meters or the skin background.

The states involved are:

  • Enabled: The actions defined on the meter or skin background are detected and executed normally.
  • Disabled: The actions defined on the meter or skin background are detected, but cause no change to the cursor, and take no action. This can be used to "block" mouse actions on meters or the skin behind, causing them to be ignored, while not taking any action itself.
    This is similar to using !SetOption to set the value of a mouse action to [] (an empty action).
  • Cleared: The actions defined on the meter or skin background are in effect "removed", and are not detected. This will allow mouse actions on meters or the skin background behind the meter to be detected and executed.
    This is similar to using !SetOption to set the value of a mouse action to "" (an empty string).

When action(s) are either Disabled or Cleared, simply returning the state to Enabled, either explicitly or with a toggle, will return the actions to their original defined state, without having to re-define them in a !SetOption.

Mouse actions on meters or the skin background can be set to an initial state of Disabled or Cleared by using the OnRefreshAction action in the [Rainmeter] section of the skin.

A list of all supported mouse action names is below at Mouse Action Names.

Meter bangs

!DisableMouseAction Parameters: Meter, MouseAction(s), Config

Disables the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter.

  • Meter (required): Name of a meter or * (all) to apply the change to.
  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Config (optional)

Note: Meter can also be the [Rainmeter] section.

!DisableMouseAction MyMeter "LeftMouseUpAction"
!DisableMouseAction MyMeter "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction"
!DisableMouseAction Rainmeter "MouseScrollDownAction|MouseScrollUpAction"

!ClearMouseAction Parameters: Meter, MouseAction(s), Config

Clears the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter.

  • Meter (required): Name of a meter or * (all) to apply the change to.
  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Config (optional)

Note: Meter can also be the [Rainmeter] section.

Example: !ClearMouseAction MyMeter "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction"

!EnableMouseAction Parameters: Meter, MouseAction(s), Config

Enables the original mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter.

  • Meter (required): Name of a meter or * (all) to apply the change to.
  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Config (optional)

Note: Meter can also be the [Rainmeter] section.

Example: !EnableMouseAction MyMeter "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction"

!ToggleMouseAction Parameters: Meter, MouseAction(s), Config

Toggles the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter between the enabled and disabled/cleared state. Disabled is the default toggle state, but will change to the Cleared state if the mouse action was cleared beforehand. In effect, this bang will remember the last non-enabled state, and use it to toggle between that and the Enabled state.

  • Meter (required): Name of a meter or * (all) to apply the change to.
  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Config (optional)

Note: Meter can also be the [Rainmeter] section.

Example: !ToggleMouseAction MyMeter "*"

Meter group bangs

!DisableMouseActionGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group, Config

Disables the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter. Acts on a named Group of meters.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a meter group to apply the change to.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !DisableMouseActionGroup "LeftMouseUpAction" MyGroup

!ClearMouseActionGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group, Config

Clears the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter. Acts on a named Group of meters.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a meter group to apply the change to.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !ClearMouseActionGroup "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction" MyGroup

!EnableMouseActionGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group, Config

Enables the original mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter. Acts on a named Group of meters.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a meter group to apply the change to.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !EnableMouseActionGroup "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction" MyGroup

!ToggleMouseActionGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group, Config

Toggles the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter between the enabled and disabled/cleared state. Disabled is the default toggle state, but will change to the Cleared state if the mouse action was cleared beforehand. In effect, this bang will remember the last non-enabled state, and use it to toggle between that and the Enabled state. Acts on a named Group of meters.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a meter group to apply the change to.
  • Config (optional)

Example: !ToggleMouseActionGroup "*" MyGroup

Skin group bangs

Note: To effect changes to the [Rainmeter] section of the current skin, rather than a group of skins, simply use the meter bangs above, with Rainmeter defined as the Meter parameter.

!DisableMouseActionSkinGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group

Disables the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter. Acts on the [Rainmeter] section of a named Group of skins.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a skin group to apply the change to.

Example: !DisableMouseActionSkinGroup "LeftMouseUpAction" MySkinGroup

!ClearMouseActionSkinGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group

Clears the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter. Acts on the [Rainmeter] section of a named Group of skins.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a skin group to apply the change to.

Example: !ClearMouseActionSkinGroup "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction" MySkinGroup

!EnableMouseActionSkinGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group

Enables the original mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter. Acts on the [Rainmeter] section of a named Group of skins.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a skin group to apply the change to.

Example: !EnableMouseActionSkinGroup "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction" MySkinGroup

!ToggleMouseActionSkinGroup Parameters: MouseAction(s), Group

Toggles the mouse action(s) defined in the MouseAction parameter between the enabled and disabled/cleared state. Disabled is the default toggle state, but will change to the Cleared state if the mouse action was cleared beforehand. In effect, this bang will remember the last non-enabled state, and use it to toggle between that and the Enabled state. Acts on the [Rainmeter] section of a named Group of skins.

  • MouseAction (required): Name of one or more types of mouse actions or * (all) to apply the change to. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character.
  • Group (required): Name of a skin group to apply the change to.

Example: !ToggleMouseActionSkinGroup "*" MySkinGroup

Mouse Action Names

A list of supported mouse action name(s) to be used in the MouseAction parameter of the above Mouse Action state bangs. Names are separated with the | (pipe) character. Use * to apply the change to all mouse actions.

  • LeftMouseUpAction
  • LeftMouseDownAction
  • LeftMouseDoubleClickAction
  • RightMouseUpAction
  • RightMouseDownAction
  • RightMouseDoubleClickAction
  • MiddleMouseUpAction
  • MiddleMouseDownAction
  • MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction
  • X1MouseUpAction
  • X1MouseDownAction
  • X1MouseDoubleClickAction
  • X2MouseUpAction
  • X2MouseDownAction
  • X2MouseDoubleClickAction
  • MouseScrollUpAction
  • MouseScrollDownAction
  • MouseScrollLeftAction
  • MouseScrollRightAction
  • MouseOverAction
  • MouseLeaveAction

!DisableMouseAction MyMeter "LeftMouseUpAction"
!EnableMouseAction MyMeter "MouseOverAction|MouseLeaveAction"
!ToggleMouseAction Rainmeter "MouseScrollDownAction|MouseScrollUpAction"

Deprecated bangs

The !Execute bang, used both to indicate multiple bangs in one statement and to execute external applications has been made optional. Do not use it in new skins.
Bangs names can optionally be preceded by the "Rainmeter" keyword. For example, !RainmeterShowMeter and !ShowMeter are both equal. New skins should not use the Rainmeter prefix.
!PluginBang Parameters: Measure, Arguments, Config
This bang has been deprecated in favor of !CommandMeasure and should not be used in any new skins.